Paddling Along Under the Surface

I've been a bit quiet lately - I've been studying and growing!

A couple of ducks floating on a lake - photo by Daniel Mirlea on Unsplash+

Your Daily Dose of Sunshine - Today’s Inspiration

“Remain Calm on the Surface and Paddle Like Hell Underneath."

~ Michael Caine

Facing Fears

After my position was eliminated on December 28th, 2023, I was afraid about my future, to be honest. I put a brave face on and decided to start this newsletter called The Sun Also Rises as inspiration for myself to keep looking up. For a couple of weeks, I wrote every day.

Then I came across a Craigslist ad for a 1099 Sales position. This isn’t something I would normally consider. I wanted security and a paycheck. But I was already collecting unemployment, and the woman I met was incredible. The video I watched about the company inspired me to see how this opportunity could truly be something unique that would work, and that would allow me to make a serious income. I figured I could continue looking for work while giving this a shot.

Then I had to go in and meet with someone at Unemployment as part of that process. My counselor told me about the Self Employment Assistance Program through Employment Department that allows people to start a business (1099 worker - I’m basically my own boss, starting my own business) without having to continue seeking employment. No more resumes to send in the void. No more scouring the internet for something that looked like it might be a good fit. I had found what would be a good fit - and I could continue earning my weekly claim until my business started making money.

If you were part of the Great Layoff of 2023 and are still searching - consider checking to see if your state offers this same sort of program. And if you’d like to know more about the amazing company I now keep, you can schedule a meeting with me!

So I jumped in and I am so glad I did. This is the corporate culture I’ve been dreaming of my whole life!

Growing in Unexpected Ways

Imagine my surprise when my new company is completely invested in seeing me grow as a person. Not how much money I can generate for them, but how much I’m learning and growing and becoming my best self. It almost brings me to tears. I am challenged by a team of go-getters who are serving people in the best possible way, and encouraging me to grow so I can serve people too.

I look forward to my days now - like never before.

I’ve missed writing daily. There was a lot of studying going on to pass the State Insurance License Exam, and then gain the knowledge of our process to be able to help people. In my first month, I’ve ended up on the Leader Board for sales. If I can do this, anyone can do this. If you’ve been laid off and are wondering about your next venture, I would so encourage you to look at something you would never have considered. Did I ever see myself selling Life Insurance? Absolutely not. But it is a vibrant world of serving and caring for people that is changing my life.

Have a glorious day, my friends!


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